Discouraging news regarding the newly trans-inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) bill which was scheduled to receive a mark up from the House Committee on Education and Labor this wednesday has been put on indefinite hiatus. Jillian Weiss of the Bilerico Project says more:

I had posted on Wednesday about rumors of a possible slow-down on ENDA. DC insiders said there was no slow-down, and that the bill is "on track." However, it appeared, after comparing statements made when the bill was introduced with later statements, that the House vote, initially thought to be in October or November, was now being discussed in a "December or February" timeframe. That would put the bill up before the Senate during midterm election campaigns, which could make it more difficult to gain support among conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans.
Since the House is not in session next week, the earliest date for markup would be in December. That would make it difficult to obtain a House vote on ENDA before year's end. 

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