March is Women's History Month, a time to reflect on the fearless women of the past who have done awesome things like fought for our right to vote, made great discoveries in science, flown in space and more.

But it's a time to reflect. Have women come far enough? Or, have we come too far? Recent reports point out that women outnumber men at colleges. (And this is a problem because ... well, some of these women can't get a date!)

In the recent recession, men have been losing jobs at a faster rate than women, and some worry that women will soon outnumber men in the workplace.

Could we argue that feminism has become too successful? Is it time to create a Men's History Month? To establish more college scholarships for men? To make the workplace more man-friendly?

Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. These are just recent trends and speculations. Are women truly starting to reverse roles against men and become the dominant gender? Or is this just a temporary phase, and something will come along soon enough to make things "right" with the world (just like the end of World War II)? Or will things gradually even out, where in general, equal numbers of men and women attend college and work outside and home (and stay at home).

Or are we so set on having such separate and defined gender roles that if one gender is to advance, that must be at the expense of the other? If women are to succeed, that can only happen if men fail. Is our society set up that way?

One of the major criticisms of feminism, even by feminists, is that it didn't do enough for men. Meaning, feminism redefined the role of women, but what did that mean for men? Did feminism neglect working to redefine the role of men to match this new role for women? When a society is structured in such a way that this gender is this way and that gender is that way, and one supplements the other, when ones changes, the other has to as well. Otherwise, the gender left behind feels resentful, as if the other took over and left no role for them.

However, one thing feminism did do is reveal that the distinct two gender society is not beneficial for anyone. Even the gender that is told to be the dominant one, the powerful and successful one, can feel left wanting more. What about the men that don't want to dominate? Feminism told women they could be whatever they want, but men can be whatever they want too. Just like women don't have to stay at home and raise children, men don't have to work outside the home or be fathers at all.

I've often read that the first wave of feminism was at the suffragettes, and the second wave was the "bra burners" in the 1970s, and we're currently in teh third wave, but I don't think that's the case. I think we're still riding the end of second wave feminism and still working on redefining the role of men and women as "whatever the individual wants it to be."

If that's the case, will there be a next wave of feminism? Will it even be necessary? Or will it be something else? Will the LGBT movement move further into the spotlight as the next way to redefine gender in a widespread way?

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